The humanitarian illustration

The need for regulating governance: the humanitarian illustration

ISO 26000 and ISO 29000[1] standards, which are also used in humanitarian NGOs, have guidelines for all types of organisations regardless of their size or location regarding:

–       Concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility;

–       Origins, orientations and characteristics related to social responsibility;

–       Principles and practices of social responsibility;

–       Core issues and action domains related to social responsibility;

–       Integration, implementation and promotion of responsible behavior throughout the organisation, and through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence;

–       Identification of stakeholders and dialogue with them, and

–       Communication on commitments, performance and other information related to social responsibility.

The ISO 26000 is intended to help organisations contribute to sustainable development. It aims to encourage organisations to go beyond compliance with the law, while recognizing that law abiding is an essential task for any organization and an essential part of its social responsibility. It aims to promote a common understanding in the field of social responsibility and to complement other instruments and initiatives for social responsibility, not to replace them.

In its implementation, it is recommended that the organisation takes into consideration the social, environmental, legal, cultural, political differences and the diversity in organisations as well as the differences in the economic conditions, so as to be fully consistent with international standards of behaviour.

Another example is the quality label ZEWO[2] that is unique in Switzerland. It is awarded to public benefit organisations that provide the greatest care in the management of donations and offers a reference to individuals, institutions, authorities, churches and companies when making decisions relating to gifts, bequests, donations or sponsorship aid. Reputable companies which have the ZEWO quality label can be given discounts or special offers by certified organisations, thus creating a competitive incentive to meet the very stringent ZEWO requirements.

[1] http :// ?csnumber=42546
